Pastor Application
We believe God has been preparing somebody to become our next pastor/senior leader. We are looking for someone who is Biblically literate, with experience of church leadership and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will join a team of Elders and Deacons, leading us into all that God has for us. We believe we have a mandate from God to cooperate with Him in the restoration of broken lives and have a heart to reach into the community with the good news of Jesus. We have around 80 members, an average Sunday attendance well above that in non-COVID times and a wide spread of age and ethnicity. We are based in East Surrey, close to good transport links and attractive countryside, but with pockets of deprivation in areas.
Salary will be likely to be in the range £32,000 to £40,000 pa with a generous contributory pension scheme. Ideally we would like someone in position by the end of March 2022. If you think you might be the person God has been preparing, please email us at . Final applications should be submitted by 17th October.